150th Street | Millerton

$ 167,200.00

641-774-4242 (Office)

641-203-2242 (Cell)


44 acres with 27 acres tillable crop land, 17 acres in Timber with 2 ponds and barn.


East of Millerton on HWY J22 1/2 mile to 150th St. Turn left onto 150th street and go 1 1/2 miles. property is on the west side of road.

Legal Description:

Section 8 of Union Township T-70-N, R-21-W in Wayne County, Iowa


Aerial Map


Listing #: 1562
Acres: 44
Timber Acres: 17 acres of Timber, Drainage & 2 ponds
Zoning: Agricultural
Out Buildings: Barn
Taxes: 914
Todd Shelton
Office: 641-774-4242
Cell:    641-203-2242
Designed by EDJE